Arts and culture is an integral part of NYC DOT'south efforts to enhance the quality of life for all New Yorkers in the public realm. Public fine art, performances and cultural programming presented on NYC DOT property create bonny corridors, activate public space, increase access to arts, cultural and educational resources, establish meaningful partnerships with community stakeholders, and provide paid opportunities to the creative arts sector of NYC.

  • Temporary Art Program
  • Cultural Programming
  • Permanent Art Collection
  • Connect with NYC DOT Arts and Culture

Temporary Fine art Program

NYC DOT has programmed over 350 temporary public art installations citywide and continues to pursue unique public fine art installations in collaboration with a diverse body of artists and partner organizations. Temporary public art beautifies NYC DOT infrastructure past transforming sidewalks, fences, triangles, medians, bridges, bailiwick of jersey barriers, step streets, public plazas and pedestrianized spaces into canvases and foundations for colorful murals, dynamic projections and eye-catching sculptures installed by artists in partnership with customs based-nonprofit organizations.

Temporary art is permitted on NYC DOT property for up to xi months. Interested organizations and artists are invited to submit proposals and qualifications in response to open calls. NYC DOT funds a number of programs just too offers permit opportunities for self-funded projects.

NYC DOT Funded Initiatives

Customs Commissions

A metal sculptural bench designed to mimic a hair comb installed on a wide sidewalk
King and Queen Sized Bench by Jason Wallace in partnership with the Washington Heights Business Improvement District

NYC DOT partners with customs-based, nonprofit organizations to commission site-responsive public art for NYC DOT belongings. Community-based partners are identified by NYC DOT that have feel planning public programs or public art, the ability to monitor and maintain the artwork, the capacity to hold liability insurance, and a directly connection to the site. NYC DOT identifies priority sites for temporary art that are in demand of adornment, large enough to accommodate artwork, and accessible to a diverse audience. An open call is released annually in partnership with community partners to solicit proposals from professional artists for a list of priority sites. NYC DOT collaborates with selected artists to implement projects within one year of approval. In addition to a project fee, NYC DOT provides engineering science support for sculptural installations.

Barrier Beautification

Two cyclists ride along a bike lane protected by a concrete jersey barrier painted with a red and pink design
Shadow Box by Gavin Snider in partnership with NY Cares and JP Morgan Chase & Co.

NYC DOT partners with volunteer service organizations and corporate volunteer programs to paint murals onto jersey barriers located along bike lanes and sidewalks. Barrier sites range in size from 200 to 2000 feet in length. An open up call is released annually to solicit design concepts from professional artists for implementation at bulwark sites citywide. Selected artists are assigned sites within one of the five boroughs and must be willing to accommodate conceptual designs to whatsoever location. Artists are responsible for producing stencils and overseeing mural execution with volunteer help. NYC DOT collaborates with selected artists to implement projects inside two months of approval. In addition to a design fee, NYC DOT provides additional materials and support to realize the murals.

Asphalt Art Activations

Art Mural Hooper St and Division Ave Brooklyn
Up and Down River by Ellen Picken

NYC DOT partners with artists to paint big-scale murals onto repurposed asphalt that has been transformed into pedestrianized public spaces. Curb extensions, sideslip lane closures, bike share stations, and temporary plazas serve as canvases for Asphalt Art. NYC DOT designates sites near schools, customs centers, arts institutions or commercial corridors for Asphalt Art. Asphalt sites range in size from one,000 to viii,000 square feet. An open up phone call is released annually to solicit qualifications from professional artists to be selected for inclusion in an artist registry, later to exist brusque-listed for specific Asphalt Art opportunities within one of the five boroughs. Artists receive a project fee to execute the mural. Organizations interested in commissioning self-funded cobblestone art on a self-selected site should apply through Arterventions and are welcome to select an artist from the Cobblestone Fine art Artist Registry.

Art Brandish Case Exhibits

Colorful, bright vinyl photograph portraits of men and women exhibited on metal display cases installed on a sidewalk
Supper Club by Elia Alba in partnership with the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC).

NYC DOT partners with nonprofit organizations to curate rotating temporary exhibitions inside a series of Art Display Cases. Twenty cases are bachelor for installation in sets of 4 to x within plazas or on sidewalks citywide. Original artwork is reproduced as vinyl adhesive fine art panels. Each case can arrange ii fine art panels measuring a maximum of 43.five inches (w) past 61.5 inches (h). NYC DOT invites interested organizations to submit proposals on a rolling basis to curate thematic exhibitions related to a electric current or upcoming exhibit, festival or historic, commemorative outcome. Organizations are responsible for proposing sites for the exhibits. Sidewalks must be a minimum of 20 feet in width. NYC DOT prints and installs the vinyl panels, and relocates, installs and removes the cases. Artists are ineligible to apply without the support of a partner organization. Given the high demand of the cases, organizations are selected as cases get available or placed on a waiting list for hereafter partnerships. Employ to be an Art Display Example Exhibits partner (pdf)

Construction Banner Wraps

Colorful, watercolor-like mural printed on vinyl installed on chain link fencing
Swish Swash by Andrea Bergart

NYC DOT partners with the New York City Department of Design and Structure and NYC Department of Cultural Affairs to commission artwork to be digitally transferred onto vinyl mesh banners to adorn fencing surrounding active capital construction sites. Artists receive a design fee to develop a final design and prepare necessary files to print the banners. NYC DOT prints and installs the banners with support from the designated site contractor. Open calls to select designs are issued periodically. Individual belongings is ineligible through this program and such proposals must be reviewed past the Section of Cultural Diplomacy in partnership with the Department of Buildings.

Cocky-Funded Initiatives


Two women sit inside a neon sculptural installation on a public plaza
Ziggy by Hou de Sousa in partnership the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership

NYC DOT partners with galleries and nonprofit organizations to provide the necessary permits to committee artwork or relocate existing artwork currently on exhibit in a gallery, alternative art space or in a storage facility to NYC DOT owned property. Organizations are responsible for fully funding the installation and proposing a suitable site. Artwork unremarkably remains on display for iii to six months. For many plaza sites, the maximum display period is one calendar month given other events and activities organized by local maintenance partners. NYC DOT issues a list of eligible site types annually to provide direction to interested organizations and artists. Organizations are also encouraged to review the Site Selection Guide before proposing potential sites, and may contact NYC DOT at to ostend site ownership in advance of submission. Artists are ineligible to use without the back up of a partner organization. Applications are accustomed on a rolling ground.

Employ to be an Arterventions partner (pdf)

Awarding Review Procedure

All applications are reviewed past the DOT Fine art Informational Committee, a panel of outside arts professionals representing varying disciplines and all 5 boroughs, based on the following criteria: public safety, artistic merit, site suitability and artwork durability.

Cultural Programming

NYC DOT hosts large-scale, car-gratis events, Summertime Streets and Car Free World Solar day, to reimagine the streets of New York Urban center as more than inviting public spaces without the dissonance and congestion of cars. Major roadways in Manhattan open for a twenty-four hours or more than each year for the public to savour free programming. Designed around issue-specific themes, activities may include agile fitness classes, lively performances, immersive fine art installations, and educational workshops. Programming is hosted primarily at event Remainder Stops.

Interested artists, performers and nonprofit organizations are invited to submit proposals and qualifications in response to open up calls released iv months in advance of each event. These almanac events crave interagency coordination with SAPO, NYPD, FDNY, DEP, DOB, DPR and DOHMH. For more information on Cultural Programming, visit The Street Design Manual: Programming Chapter.

Summer Streets

Pedestrians and cyclists travel along Park Avenue during Summer Streets
Pedestrians and cyclists travel along Park Avenue during Summer Streets

Summer Streets is a multi-day, almanac car-free issue held the start iii Saturdays in August. Nigh 7 miles of NYC'due south streets are open up for people to play, run, walk, and wheel forth Park Artery and its connecting streets from the Brooklyn Span to Key Park. Programming is presented along the road to promote fitness and outdoor recreation.

Motorcar Free Earth Day

Green pedestrian spaces temporarily takeover a block on Broadway during Car Free Earth Day
Green pedestrian spaces temporarily takeover a cake on Broadway during Car Gratis Earth Day

Car Free Earth Twenty-four hour period is a single twenty-four hour period, almanac auto-complimentary event held the Sat before or after Globe Mean solar day, April 22. The consequence opens thirty blocks of Broadway from Times Square to Wedlock Square for people to explore on foot. Programming is presented within pedestrian plazas to promote activism and education supporting environmentalism, climatic change and sustainability.

Programming Types

Public Art

Dive Into the Park Avenue Tunnel
Swoop Into the Park Avenue Tunnel installation by Jana Winderen during Summer Streets 2014

NYC DOT commissions interactive public fine art installations at designated sites along the event route. Artwork must be removed post upshot hours. Artists are eligible to receive upwardly to $twenty,000.


Dancers perform outside on a stage during Summer Streets
Brooklyn Ballet Visitor dancers perform outside on a phase during Summer Streets

NYC DOT commissions lively performances at designated stages or other sites along the consequence route. Performers are eligible to receive a minimum of $200 and upwards to $2,500 based on the duration and number of performances provided. Performances must last a minimum of 30 minutes.


Nonprofit organizations host creative projects under tents during Summer Streets
Nonprofit organizations host artistic projects under tents during Summertime Streets

NYC DOT partners with nonprofit organizations to host activities, demonstrations, workshops, classes and historical tours along the event route. Organizations are eligible to receive funding based on the complication of the proposed activities and the number of committed outcome dates. NYC DOT provides event equipment and back up from event staff.

Experiential Marketing Activations

Sponsor hosts Sports Zone football drills during Summer Streets
Sponsor hosts Sports Zone football game drills during Summer Streets

NYC DOT partners with corporate entities to host experiential marketing activations along the event route, which are subject to sponsorship fees. For additional information, email

Awarding Review Process

All applications are reviewed by the NYC DOT Cultural Programming Committee based on the following criteria: public safety, organizational capacity, proposal merit and effect suitability.

Permanent Art Collection

A large, pink sculpture of a person laying down is set up in a median between two lanes of traffic in Long Island City.
Sunbather sculpture by Ohad Meromi

NYC DOT collaborates with the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) to commission permanent public art as function of uppercase construction projects dictated past the Pct for Art ordinance. NYC DOT is also responsible for managing and maintaining its Permanent Art Collection (pdf). For more information, visit DCLA Pct for Art Program's website.

Connect with NYC DOT Arts and Culture

Visit NYC DOT Flickr for images of past temporary art installations, permanent art and issue programming: Sign up for the NYC DOT Arts and Culture e-newsletter Contact: Follow @nyc_dotart on Instagram